Empower your Weight Health

Empower your Weight Health

Have you tried many diets that didn’t work? Or have you tried diets that allowed you to lose weight… but now gained it all back?  Losing weight is an individualized approach.  Unfortunately one diet does not do the trick for all people. 

Two steps are involved in addressing weight. 

1. Eat the RIGHT TYPES of foods for your body. 
This includes testing your blood for an IgG reaction to over 120 foods to determine which foods your body is sensitive too.  The foods that get highlighted as red or yellow are foods that you would need to avoid. 

2.  Eat the RIGHT AMOUNT of foods for your body. 
Each person requires a different amount of calorie amount to maintain and lose weight.  Combining the foods that are great for your body with the right amount to lose weight is the perfect plan for you… because it applies just for you! 

A personalized menu plan can also be prepared JUST FOR YOU.  This will include a monthly summary, shopping list, nutrition information, recipes and coloured images of all meals including breakfast, lunch, dinner and all snacks.

Empower your health with Nature's Touch Naturopathic Clinic