Empower your Family Health

Empower your Family Health

As a mother of 3 kids it is important to start off the early generation to a great start.  There are many nutritional supplements used to optimize brain and neurological function in our little ones.  Children often suffer from eczema, stomach aches, poor appetite, headaches, colds/flus, bedwetting and behavioural issues.  These conditions can be addressed by using nutrition, homeopathic remedies and restoring any deficiencies.

2 common tests performed on kids includes:

  1. IgG food sensitivity test
    This tests 120 foods to the child’s blood to determine which foods have a delayed reaction and as a result; contribute to the above symptoms.
  2. Hair Mineral and Heavy Metal Analysis
    Good health depends in part on having adequate amounts of essential nutritional elements, and low levels of toxic elements.  Hair element analysis shows nutrient status (essential elements) and toxic element exposure for the length of time it took to grow the hair supplied for testing (usually about three months).  Essential elements are essential because they are needed to maintain health.  For example, potassium and sodium are essential for proper heart function, while calcium and magnesium are essential for bone development. Toxic elements usually cause damage by taking the place of essential elements and interfering with their usual function.  For example, calcium helps strengthen bone, but lead can take the place of calcium in bone, making bone more porous and less sturdy.

Healthy parents are an example for our children.  It all starts with you to empower your family to begin their journey to be healthy, motivated and empowered.

Empower your health with Nature's Touch Naturopathic Clinic