Empower your Digestive Health

Empower your Digestive Health


Your digestive system is the core of many conditions.  Your immune cells are located in your gut.  Optimizing your gut, improves many immune responses.  Food sensitivity is a term that usually refers to delayed immune reactions to foods.  There are many clinical benefits of eliminating IgG reactive foods from your diet. IgG food sensitivities have been implicated in migraine headaches, eczema, anxiety/depression, joint pain and irritable bowel syndrome (alternating diarrhea and constipation).  Bloating and indigestion are also common food sensitivity reactions, as is fatigue.  Continued consumption of reactive foods may contribute to weight gain and/or difficulty losing weight. IgG food reactions are delayed and can take up to 48 hours to present, which makes it difficult to determine which food is responsible for the reaction without doing testing.

  • 120+ IgG foods (non-vegetarian) or 200+ IgG foods
  • 160+ IgG vegetarian foods
  • extra Candida

Many reactive foods would demonstrate the presence of leaky gut syndrome.  Which means that toxins from the foods you eat get into your blood stream and therefore, create symptoms that you are experiencing.  By avoiding those high and moderate reactive foods allows us to then heal the digestive system using probiotics and other herbal/ amino acid supplements.

Elevated IgG antibodies to Candida are often found when someone has a fungal infection of some sort. For example, vaginal yeast infection, ‘jock itch’, and ringworm.  Consuming too many sugar-rich foods can contribute to overgrowth of Candida.  Symptoms associated with Candida overgrowth include:

  • clouded thinking
  • depression
  • diarrhea
  • fatigue
  • menstrual pain
  • vaginal yeast infections
  • headaches

Book an appointment with Dr. Maria Papasodaro, ND or Dr. Danielle Diva, ND to investigate which foods are right for your body… and how to heal your gut.


Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) is the over colonization of bacteria in the small intestine. While the entire digestive tract contains bacteria, there should only be a small amount in the small intestine compared to the amount in the large intestine. These bacteria can be normal/healthy or pathogenic. These bacteria ferment the food we eat and then cause digestive as well as systemic problems. Some of the symptoms of SIBO are similar to those of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). These include bloating, abdominal gas, flatulence, abdominal cramps, burping, diarrhea, and constipation. SIBO has also been associated with anemia, hypochlorhydria, acne rosacea, H. pylori, hypothyroidism, intestinal permeability (“leaky gut”), restless leg syndrome and histamine intolerance.

As part of the fermentation process, bacteria produce hydrogen, methane and hydrogen sulphide – the first two of which can be tested. These gases consume nutrients and promote systemic inflammation. Based on interpretation, if positive, a patient is placed on a protocol of three phases – Phase 1: Eradication, Phase 2: Diet Modifications, Phase 3: Repair and Rebuilding. SIBO can be measured directly using a 3-hour breath test that is currently accessed through referral. In-house testing will be available soon.

Book an appointment with Dr. Kamila, ND to discover if SIBO is the culprit of your digestive issues.

Empower your health with Nature's Touch Naturopathic Clinic